Capture and Preserve Family History with Legacy Videos

Family is at the core of our lives, and the stories and memories shared among generations are precious treasures that deserve to be preserved for future generations. Legacy videos have emerged as a powerful medium to capture and share these stories, creating a lasting record of family history. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the art of creating legacy videos, from planning and filming to editing and customization. As experienced videographers at St. Louis Video Production Companies, we understand the significance of preserving family legacies, and we are here to guide you through the process.

Background music can enhance the emotional impact of your legacy video. Choose music that complements the mood and tone of your video.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • The Importance of Family History
    • What Are Legacy Videos?
  2. Planning Your Legacy Video
    • Identifying Key Family Members
    • Setting Objectives and Themes
    • Choosing a Location
  3. The Art of Interviewing
    • Creating a Comfortable Environment
    • Asking the Right Questions
    • Capturing Emotion and Authenticity
  4. Equipment and Filming Techniques
    • Cameras and Lenses
    • Lighting and Sound
    • Composition and Framing
  5. Editing Your Legacy Video
    • Organizing and Selecting Footage
    • Adding Music and Graphics
    • Enhancing Audio Quality
  6. Customizing Your Legacy Video
    • Branding and Personalization
    • Incorporating Family Memorabilia
    • Adding Titles and Captions
  7. Preserving and Sharing Your Legacy Video
    • Digital Preservation
    • DVD and Blu-ray Options
    • Online Sharing and Distribution
  8. The Role of a Professional Videographer
    • Why Hire a Professional
    • The Expertise of St. Louis Video Production Companies
  9. Conclusion
    • The Value of Legacy Videos
    • Connect with St. Louis Video Production Companies


The Importance of Family History

Family history is a treasure trove of memories, stories, and experiences that define who we are. It helps us connect with our roots, understand our heritage, and appreciate the journey that our ancestors have embarked upon. Unfortunately, as time passes, these stories can be lost or forgotten, leaving future generations with incomplete pictures of their family’s past.

What Are Legacy Videos?

Legacy videos are a way to preserve and pass down these stories from one generation to another. They are typically documentary-style videos that capture family members sharing their memories, anecdotes, and wisdom. These videos not only serve as a record of the past but also as a means of connecting generations and ensuring that the family’s legacy lives on.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a meaningful legacy video that will not only document your family history but also serve as a powerful tool for connecting with your loved ones.

Planning Your Legacy Video

Identifying Key Family Members

The first step in creating a legacy video is identifying the key family members who will be featured in the video. While it’s common to include grandparents or parents, consider involving a wide range of family members to capture diverse perspectives and stories. This might include aunts, uncles, cousins, and even close family friends.

Setting Objectives and Themes

Before you start filming, it’s essential to set clear objectives and themes for your legacy video. What do you want to convey to future generations? Is there a particular message or story you want to emphasize? Having a well-defined theme will help guide your interviews and ensure that your video remains focused and impactful.

Choosing a Location

Selecting the right location for your interviews is crucial. It should be a place where your subjects feel comfortable and relaxed. This could be a family home, a park, or any location with sentimental value. Consider the lighting and background, as these factors can greatly affect the visual quality of your video.

The Art of Interviewing

Creating a Comfortable Environment

When it comes to interviewing family members, creating a comfortable and relaxed environment is essential. Ensure that your subjects feel at ease, as this will lead to more genuine and heartfelt responses. Use natural lighting and minimal equipment to avoid overwhelming your subjects.

Asking the Right Questions

Crafting thoughtful and meaningful questions is the key to eliciting engaging responses. Encourage your subjects to share their personal stories, memories, and insights. Some sample questions to consider include:

  • What are your earliest memories of our family?
  • Can you share a memorable family tradition or holiday celebration?
  • What valuable life lessons have you learned from our family?

Capturing Emotion and Authenticity

The beauty of legacy videos lies in their ability to capture the raw emotions and authenticity of your family members. Allow moments of reflection and silence, and be patient with emotional responses. These genuine reactions will add depth and sincerity to your video.

Equipment and Filming Techniques

Cameras and Lenses

Choosing the right camera and lenses is crucial for achieving high-quality video footage. While modern smartphones can capture decent video, investing in a professional-grade camera and lenses can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your legacy video. Ensure proper white balance and exposure settings for optimal results.

Lighting and Sound

Proper lighting and sound are essential for a polished and professional-looking video. Use natural light whenever possible and supplement it with soft, diffused lighting to eliminate harsh shadows. Invest in a high-quality microphone to ensure clear and crisp audio. Windshields and pop filters can help reduce unwanted noise.

Composition and Framing

Pay attention to the composition and framing of your shots. Use the rule of thirds to create visually pleasing compositions, and vary your shots to keep the video visually engaging. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add depth and dimension to your video.

Editing Your Legacy Video

Organizing and Selecting Footage

Once you have captured all the necessary footage, it’s time to dive into the editing process. Start by organizing your clips and selecting the most compelling and relevant content. Remove any unnecessary or repetitive footage to keep your video concise and engaging.

Adding Music and Graphics

Background music can enhance the emotional impact of your legacy video. Choose music that complements the mood and tone of your video. Additionally, consider adding graphics, such as titles and captions, to provide context and guide the viewer through the narrative.

Enhancing Audio Quality

Audio quality is critical in legacy videos, as it ensures that the stories and memories are clearly heard and understood. Use audio editing software to remove background noise, adjust levels, and enhance the overall audio quality. Ensure that the voices of your family members are clear and easily discernible.

Customizing Your Legacy Video

Branding and Personalization

Customizing your legacy video can make it even more special and unique to your family. Consider branding your video with a personalized title or intro sequence. You can also incorporate family logos or symbols to further personalize the video.

Incorporating Family Memorabilia

To add depth to your legacy video, consider incorporating family memorabilia and heirlooms. These items can serve as visual aids and provide a tangible connection to the past. Old photographs, letters, and family artifacts can enrich the storytelling experience.

Adding Titles and Captions

Titles and captions can help provide context and structure to your legacy video. Use them to introduce family members, highlight key moments, and provide explanations when necessary. Well-designed titles and captions can enhance the overall viewing experience.

Preserving and Sharing Your Legacy Video

Digital Preservation

To ensure the long-term preservation of your legacy video, consider storing it in multiple digital formats. Save a high-resolution master copy and create compressed versions for easy sharing. Store your video on secure, cloud-based platforms or external hard drives to prevent loss.

DVD and Blu-ray Options

For a more traditional approach, you can create DVDs or Blu-ray discs of your legacy video. These physical copies can be distributed to family members and kept as cherished keepsakes. Customize the disc covers and labels to add a personal touch.

Online Sharing and Distribution

In today’s digital age, sharing and distributing your legacy video online has become increasingly popular. Upload your video to video-sharing platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, or share it privately with family members through cloud storage services. This allows for easy access and sharing with relatives near and far.

The Role of a Professional Videographer

While creating a legacy video can be a deeply personal and rewarding project, it’s important to recognize the value of professional videographers, like those at St. Louis Video Production Companies. Hiring a professional offers several advantages:

Why Hire a Professional

  • Expertise: Professional videographers have extensive experience in capturing and editing video, ensuring the highest quality results.
  • Equipment: They have access to state-of-the-art equipment and technology to enhance the visual and audio quality of your video.
  • Creativity: Professionals can bring a creative and artistic touch to your project, making it visually stunning and emotionally impactful.
  • Efficiency: They can streamline the filming and editing process, saving you time and ensuring a polished final product.

The Expertise of St. Louis Video Production Companies

At St. Louis Video Production Companies, we have a proven track record of creating high-quality legacy videos for families in the St. Louis area. With our extensive production equipment and experience, we are well-equipped to assist you in all aspects of your training video recording and editing needs. We offer full-service studio and location video production, and we can customize your video productions to align perfectly with your brand and vision.


Legacy videos are powerful tools for capturing and preserving the rich tapestry of family history. They serve as a bridge between generations, allowing your family’s stories and wisdom to live on for years to come. As a full-service video company, St. Louis Video Production Companies has worked with many families in the St. Louis area to create legacy videos that are both meaningful and visually stunning. Our extensive production equipment and experienced team are ready to assist you in crafting a legacy video that will truly stand the test of time.

Don’t let your family’s stories fade away—start planning your legacy video today and ensure that your family’s history is preserved for generations to come.

Connect with St. Louis Video Production Companies to embark on your legacy video journey and capture the essence of your family’s history.
